
Check out our new website for The Church of the Nativity here.

Welcome to The Church of the Nativity

We are a Catholic Community of parishes located in the Southern Hills of Onondaga County in Central New York.

The parishes of the Church of the Nativity are places of worship and spiritual growth for Catholic Christians. We each strive to meet the needs of our parishioners and the community in which we are located. You are invited to come and pray with us on a regular basis or whenever you are in the area.

Yours in Christ, Administrator, Rev. Dennis Walker



Our History is Rich and Unique

The Church of the Nativity in the Southern Hills was established in 2012, bringing the four churches, Immaculate Conception in Pompey, St. Joseph’s in Lafayette, St. Leo’s in Tully, and St. Patrick’s in Otisco into one corporation within the Syracuse Diocese.

Each of these parishes have rich histories of Faith and Perseverance. Details of Immaculate Conception’s history can be explored here. St. Joseph the Worker’s history can be found here, while the history of St. Leo’s in Tully can be examined here. You can read of the history of St. Patrick’s in Otisco here.

Contact Us

Where to Contact Us

Parish Staff:

Administrator: Rev. Dennis Walker

Parish Office:

Ann Christmas, Immaculate Conception
Linda Swan, St. Leo’s
Peg Sutton, St. Joseph’s

Religious Education:

Barb McKenney, Immaculate Conception (315) 677-3061
Anne Loughlin & Michelle Benjamin, St. Joseph’s (315) 677-3439
Rev. Dennis Walker, St. Leo’s & St. Patrick’s (315) 696-5092



Fabius-Pompey Outreach (315) 677-3590
LaFayette Outreach (315) 677-5221
St. Leo’s/St. Patrick’s Outreach (315) 696-5092


Linda Swan, St. Leo’s (315) 696-5092
Ann Derr, Immaculate Conception (315) 683-9415


Please call the Parish Office at the Church you attend for the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage and also for Hospital visits.


Mondays at St. Joseph’s 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Thursdays at St. Leo’s 9:00 – 10:00 am


Monday at St. Joseph’s 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Saturday at St. Leo’s 3:30 – 4:15 pm


Event Calendar

Church of The Nativity Event Calendar

  • To Print a full Month, choose “Month View”, click Print icon, then use “Smallest” under “Font Size” selection.

  • Do you have events concerning any of the Church of the Nativity parishes that you would like to have added to this calendar? Please email them to info@southernhillscatholic.org and we’ll try to get them included.

Prayer Intentions for Our Parishes

Please notify the appropriate church office of a family member’s admission to a hospital, nursing care facility, or confinement at home, to arrange spiritual care, Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick.

Please Pray for the Ill & Hospitalized:

I Henry Alfonso
Killian Benigno
Marie Benigno
Noah Bonier
Carl Bradshaw
Martin Brenski
Cherie Brown
Chrissy Brown
David Brown
John Henry Brown
Isabelle Brown
Kelley Brown
Kristen Brown
Joan Burlingame
Melissa Campos
Miguel Campos
Jonah Campos
Nina Campos
Peter Cardamone
Michael Clenenning
Megan Crunkleton
Stella Dempf
Marie Dittmar
Norm Doyle
Howard Dupuis
Joseph Fiegl
Bev Fitzpatrick
Colleen Foley
Olga Francia
Sam Fresina
MarPatty Friedman
Shannon Forrestal
Renate Gaddis
Cliff Myers
Luke Neuner
Christina Germani
Gordon Gladen
Greg Godici
Paddy Gray
Mary Grove
Kevin Grome
Jacqueline Hamann
Phyllis Harris
Brian Hatch
Mary Hayes
Nathan Healey
Michael Henry
Robert Hier
Nicholas Hoehl
Rose Hoffman
James Hull
Judy Hull
Rich Hutchings
Bob Jacobson Jr.
Luke Johncox
Denise Johnson
Joy Johnston
Joan Karpowtiz
Paul Karpowitz
Judy LaRue
Jill LeClaire
Bruce Lambert
John Link
Walter Liszewski
David Lyon
Catherine McDermott
Thomas McDermott
Daniel McGettigan Jr.
Tom McLaughlin
Luis Mandraso
Stephanie Merenda
Louis Milea
Katherine Miller
Michelle Moffa
Anna Mosher
Michael Muldowney
Francis O’Hara
Patty O’Keefe
Mark Para
Steve Para
Ann Patrick
Ann Peglow
Elaine Pelchy
Brad Phelps
Connie Potter
Dick Potter
Michael Ralb
Ryan Ransom
Chester Ranucci
Jason Redman
Jane Reardon
Bill Reichel
David Renzi
Elizabeth Burgess-Robinson
Ellen Schiavone
Sally Seamans
Dan Scheftic
Joe Schmid
Mark Schmid
Joseph Schumacher
Eric Shafer
Sandra Similele
Alexandra Smith
Susan Smith
Robert Steele
Connor Studer
Cody Strong
Tim Sullivan
Salma Syed
Chuck Tertening
Mary Thompson
Anna Tochelli
Lydia Tochelli
Nick Tochelli
Will Tochelli
Nicholas Trivelpiece
Ethel Thomas
Paul Usiatynski
Beatrice Walker
Becky Williams
Joan Williams
Kathy Wood

Please Pray for Our Servicemen and Women:

Jason Allen-Marines Ellie Anderson-Air Force Ryan Bailey-Coast Guard Christopher Burscha-Army Wayne Byron-Marines Nick Caracci-Marines Pete Clarke-Marines Jeff Clealand-Marine Ryan Clemons-Army Aric Coolidge-Air Force Terry Coolidge-Air Force Blake Cron-Marines Sgt. Douglas Dodge William Dodson-Coast Guard Brett Farewell—Army Wesley Fecco-Navy Ian Frank-Navy James E. French-Navy Peter D. French-Navy Bernadette Gibbons-Marines Brandon Gorman-Air National Guard Shea Ryan Grome-Army Mike Haley-Marines Ryan Hodson-Air Force Chad Hulsizer-Army Daniel T. Jones- Marines Shawn Keyes-Army Benjamin Kogut—Navy Bradley Kogut-Marines Joseph Latocha-Navy SPC James Lundy Jeremiah Luttrell-Army Paul McAllister-National Guard William D. McConnell Jr. -Air Force National Guard
Hugh MacWilliam—Army Mike Moran-Navy Seals Perry Moore-Army Anne Morris-Marines Joseph Mroszczyk-Army Anthony Negrete-Marines Michael Niles—National Guard Kathleen Pauls-Naval Aviation Michael Piazza-Navy Brandon Preston-Army Jason Preston-Army Ty Reinhard-USMC Jacob Reinhard-USMC Zachary Riker-Air National Guard John Ryan-Navy Michael Sears—Marines Brady Sexton-Army Ryan Sexton-Army Sara Shaver-Air Force David Shaw-Marines Jason Shaw-Army Nathaniel Steele-Marines Cameron Stanton-Army Mike Sullivan-Navy Rose Shutts-Army Mike Sullivan Jared Vidler-Marines Darlene Grome Walowsky-Army Mike Warren-Air Force David Werner-Air Force Daniel Wheeler-Marines Joseph J. White-Air Force Ryan White-Air Force Aaron Willis-Army Eric Yuckel-Air Force